After the unexpected death of her husband, Alba (Núria Prim), a young woman, tries to rebuild her life with her daughter. However, when they move at their new home, the child dies in the pool. In an attempt to save her daughter, Alba suffers an accident and is unconscious in the hospital for a while. When she awakes, she learns that she has gone deaf and, when she tries to return to her daily live, she discovers that is able to hear conversations from people who are dead.
Release Date: June 14, 2006
September 05, 2001
April 23, 1998
September 22, 2006
January 01, 2002
May 24, 1967
January 18, 1973
February 28, 2014
August 26, 2007
October 13, 1967
October 17, 2004
June 22, 1966
December 01, 2018
September 01, 2000
September 20, 1991
September 12, 1994
January 03, 1991
December 20, 1997
July 12, 1979
August 22, 2003
July 27, 2007