Detective Kenichi Itami from the The National Police Agency and Akira Iwatsuki from the cyber investigation team investigate a complex murder case. The victim was under investigation by the cyber investigation team. As Detective Kenichi Itami and Akira Iwatsuki delve deeper into the case, pressure from around makes their investigation even more difficult. Secretly, a national financial doomsday scenario is carried out under the plan of "X Day".
Release Date: March 23, 2013
December 23, 1992
April 21, 2010
June 13, 1967
February 23, 2006
September 09, 1993
April 26, 1954
November 17, 1999
October 11, 1957
January 24, 1937
October 12, 2002
December 29, 2016
November 29, 1994
September 14, 2007
July 30, 1993
June 18, 1986
June 07, 2014
May 24, 2008
February 18, 2017
August 11, 1962
April 29, 1964