"La Déraison du Louvre," is a strange short movie in which a young woman tours the titular gallery late at night, and takes in a variety of their exhibits (including the Mona Lisa) and the paintings and statues do have an effect on the young woman...
Release Date: May 09, 2006
July 15, 1987
September 01, 1966
August 24, 2002
December 08, 2018
October 11, 1995
July 28, 2009
March 01, 2019
October 07, 2020
January 15, 2009
January 02, 1994
February 02, 1974
January 01, 1971
January 01, 1971
January 01, 1951
March 11, 2009
April 01, 2019
June 01, 2019
May 10, 1955
October 28, 2012