The story, which takes place in the reform era, centres around Mrs. Déry, a legendary actress, who, along with her fellow actors and actresses, travels around the country to become the herald of the Hungarian language, performing in villages and towns up and down the land as strolling players, a woman who is not put off by the prospect of starvation and the dearth of a home to return to and security to live in.
Release Date: June 06, 1951
September 17, 1942
August 27, 1937
November 17, 1939
November 09, 1932
October 30, 1954
January 02, 1941
August 07, 1952
May 20, 1954
January 02, 1940
January 02, 1941
November 10, 1943
May 13, 1938
November 22, 1935
July 21, 1948
March 12, 1943
April 26, 1954
February 19, 1951
March 20, 1950
October 22, 1951
January 15, 1937