Gaim: It begins on the planet Kouta and Mai reside. Suddenly a mysterious enemy appears, then heads for their friends back in Zawame City. What is the enemies’ plan to release the curse of the Over Lords and Helheim? This being has even driven Kouta, who has become an existence like-God. Find out how the series continues after the events of the last episode. Drive: A legendary thief, the Special Unit, and Drive are locked in a showdown. How does the Drive Driver (Mr. Belt) fit in to all of this?
Release Date: December 13, 2014
January 21, 2010
June 21, 1989
June 10, 2005
March 16, 2019
April 29, 1995
May 01, 2002
June 25, 2004
May 01, 2007
February 08, 2005
Invalid Date
May 13, 2015
January 19, 2018
April 13, 2023
March 24, 2023
March 18, 2022
August 13, 1998
July 16, 1998
April 21, 2011
February 11, 2005
June 21, 1991