Charlie Trevor and a girl Savannah is a thought provoking action/thriller about reality verses the dream state. Trevor has been having nightmares about his girlfriend Savannah. He begins to question what is true in his present life verses the perception in his waking dream. Even though this film can come off dark our goal was to express a universal message that can seem complicated, but is as simple as exploring the Mind, Body and Soul. Once we are able to accept these 3 traits of ourselves, we will realize this balance is just the beginning to life and self-discovery to the higher being. But, it first starts with Love, Trust and Faith. Meet, Charlie, Trevor, and A Girl Savannah
Release Date: June 19, 2015
January 20, 2022
March 08, 1996
October 25, 2004
October 13, 1995
June 25, 2006
September 29, 1994
September 06, 2003
September 09, 1970
November 24, 2019
February 14, 2005
December 25, 2003
September 14, 1994
September 06, 2002
January 01, 1932
January 19, 2001
September 23, 1987
July 06, 2000
December 07, 1982
March 19, 2004
September 23, 2005