In the grip of grief following the death of his young son, his marriage on the rocks and nearing bankruptcy, Parker reluctantly returns to work as a private investigator. Embarking on an unusual assignment to observe a woman from an abandoned apartment, Parker witnesses bizarre happenings surrounding her, unaware that the derelict building that he surveys her from has birthed a dark presence which slowly threatens to consume him.
Release Date: April 03, 2016
February 08, 2005
October 18, 2002
April 21, 2006
October 26, 2001
July 30, 2022
January 01, 2007
May 30, 1990
November 21, 1985
January 15, 2008
July 11, 2013
June 28, 2017
July 14, 1999
January 31, 1998
January 18, 1973
January 01, 1989
April 02, 2021
Invalid Date
August 25, 1995
September 11, 1987
August 19, 1988