Based on a novel "The Battle Of The Yanagawa-Gumi" by Koichi Iiboshi, it tells the story of criminal Jiro Yanagawa. Released from prison, Jiro joins the notorious Yoshimizu Yakuza family as a member. Not long after however, he sets out to form his own Yakuza clan in Osaka. This sparks a bloody territory war with the Devils Dragons.
Release Date: July 26, 2002
January 01, 1997
September 04, 1965
November 19, 2015
May 01, 2018
August 13, 2015
March 30, 1969
August 18, 2014
May 03, 2019
October 09, 1974
August 14, 1964
November 13, 1965
August 01, 1968
October 19, 1968
April 13, 1991
March 05, 2020
July 28, 1959
November 20, 1963
April 28, 2010
May 21, 2013
April 18, 1968