The movie follows the birth of the legendary Shanghai Axe Gang and the alliance between the founder of the gang, Wang Ya Qiao (Dun Xin Jie), and Italian Intelligence Agency's undercover agent, Marcus Milani (Christian Bachini).
Release Date: October 02, 2013
January 04, 1974
January 01, 2002
May 19, 2004
February 09, 1990
July 31, 1991
June 17, 1988
February 18, 1994
October 04, 1996
October 08, 1993
November 11, 1997
June 15, 1978
November 30, 1979
October 21, 2003
May 26, 2004
April 02, 2004
August 25, 2000
October 11, 1996
April 20, 1989
January 01, 2005
January 21, 1982