Four people share the stories of their first sexual experience in this animated short subject from Swedish filmmaker Jonas Odell. Each vignette features a different look and animation style, and the stories cover a time span from the 1920s to the present day. Each narrator recalls their loss of virginity in a different way, ranging from deeply romantic nostalgia to befuddled disappointment to terror in the face of unexpected violence as their stories play out on screen.
Release Date: February 11, 2006
May 28, 2015
January 24, 2020
October 16, 2008
April 28, 2006
July 19, 1971
June 11, 2004
August 13, 1982
January 22, 1992
September 29, 1995
November 13, 1981
September 25, 2021
May 17, 2007
April 12, 1996
September 01, 2000
July 12, 2007
December 06, 2005
May 15, 2007
August 02, 2015
October 17, 2012
December 12, 1980