David Cardew, a talented sculptor, lives an idyllic life in the English countryside with his wife, Laura, and their two children. But his happiness spoils as he becomes increasingly fixated on the idea that Laura is having an affair with a young cellist, Anton Falk. The three attend a fête where David watches Anton and Laura during a ballet about brutal and violent revenge - and his obsession begins to take an even darker turn....
Release Date: October 16, 1929
November 18, 2008
November 26, 2021
October 02, 2020
September 22, 1925
January 13, 1991
March 04, 2002
May 02, 1990
December 07, 1988
August 13, 1993
April 18, 2023
June 24, 1957
September 21, 2017
December 25, 2010
April 21, 1970
April 09, 1946
June 29, 1988
October 25, 2017
February 22, 1973
December 15, 1955
September 05, 1993