Adapted from their beloved comedy show at Upright Citizens Brigade, Crash Test showcases Rob Huebel and Paul Scheer on a state-of-the-art party bus adventure, picking up famous comedians and celebrities as they go on a sightseeing tour of Los Angeles. Ben Stiller, Stuart Cornfeld and Mike Rosenstein of Red Hour executive produced the special.
Release Date: August 18, 2015
June 23, 1976
March 03, 2000
July 19, 1991
January 19, 2009
June 25, 1952
September 06, 1984
August 31, 1956
March 27, 1998
June 03, 2003
October 30, 2017
September 05, 2011
October 15, 2019
February 27, 1936
May 20, 2016
June 09, 1994
October 29, 2004
October 30, 1996
March 19, 2004
August 02, 1985
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