The story, set in the 19th century, revolves around the hot-blooded Jussi, a young farmer, and his friend Antti and their brushes with the local nimismies (sheriff) and the häjyt (badmen). The film, shot on location on the plains of Ostrobothnia, conveys a good sense of its unique landscape. Both Järviluoma and the director, Jalmari Lahdensuo were from Ostrobothnia and the film successfully expresses a feeling of the true spirit of the province.
Release Date: November 16, 1925
May 19, 1977
October 04, 2001
November 27, 1931
June 11, 2003
December 18, 1996
December 08, 2004
August 10, 1917
December 13, 1925
December 20, 1971
December 28, 1994
March 15, 1959
December 19, 1990
April 25, 1970
August 17, 1973
May 01, 2000
January 01, 1973
June 01, 1914
December 14, 1996
November 01, 1914
March 30, 1999