The film begins with around Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon, whose partners have been placed in a magical slumber along with the rest of city's population, by a mysterious thorned vine that spread throughout the city. As the Digimon make their way through the silent city, they stumble upon a pack of Goblimon, led by an Ogremon, who are attacking a young girl. They scare off the goblins, and the girl, Rhythm, reveals that she is actually a Digimon, then explains that the thorns are the work of a Digimon named Argomon. The quartet sets out to confront the villain atop his skyscraper lair.
Release Date: December 09, 2006
June 05, 2024
August 01, 1998
June 10, 2008
April 07, 2017
October 22, 2016
February 21, 2004
August 26, 1979
June 10, 2022
April 19, 1997
May 31, 2019
September 10, 2019
June 24, 2000
June 06, 1990
December 22, 2007
July 20, 2001
April 22, 2000
October 29, 2005
October 06, 2000
December 16, 2006
October 18, 2005