Step into the extraordinary life of a Chinese immigrant who overcame the challenges to achieve the American dream. This biography follows the path of a young boy who learns the value of hard work and perseverance through kung fu training. He escapes the harshness of political oppression, bravely ventures out on his own, and embraces opportunity in a new land. The now highly recognized Grandmaster Pui Chan is one of the pioneers responsible for bringing traditional kung fu to America. He built his first kung fu temple in America, and leads and internationally renowned martial arts system across the world. Pui's eldest daughter and successor Mimi Chan confronts a new set of challenges, trying to keep the traditional values alive in an increasingly modernized era.
Release Date: September 01, 2012
October 09, 2016
January 19, 2016
October 17, 2013
April 27, 1989
November 03, 1993
April 28, 2024
April 21, 2014
August 30, 2024
August 27, 1986
April 08, 1998
February 14, 2008
March 20, 2009
July 16, 2013
January 10, 2018
April 15, 2023
September 04, 2016
February 07, 1987
October 05, 2012
August 14, 2019
March 10, 2017