Thomas, the son of a millionaire lives a fairly isolated existence, in a mansion in rural France. His father hires a widowed woman to take care of things while he is away. The maid's son, Charles moves in as well, and the two parents hope that the two can become friends but they become enemies immediately after meeting each other. Once their parents fall in love, Thomas decides to make Charles, who he views as an "invader", as miserable as possible.
Release Date: February 22, 1989
February 09, 2012
October 07, 2018
November 03, 1981
December 12, 2016
June 19, 2013
April 14, 2018
October 22, 2020
June 01, 1997
January 01, 2006
August 12, 2018
October 18, 2002
December 12, 2015
July 04, 2004
February 12, 2006
December 02, 2018
June 24, 2018
March 23, 2022
July 21, 2023
July 25, 2017
January 21, 2003