Part of the Daughters of the Country series, this film, set in the 1850s, unfolds against the backdrop of the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly of the fur trade. In protest, some Métis engage in trade with the Americans. Madeleine, the Métis common-law wife of a Hudson's Bay Company clerk, is torn between loyalty to her husband and loyalty to her brother, a freetrader. Even more shattering, a change in company policy destroys Madeleine's happy and secure life, forcing her to re-evaluate her identity.
Release Date: December 12, 1986
October 18, 2013
September 01, 2011
September 25, 1997
April 25, 1962
May 27, 2022
April 02, 2015
November 01, 1985
July 21, 1974
September 12, 1993
February 02, 2016
October 21, 1988
February 01, 2015
October 09, 2002
October 09, 1992
December 23, 1995
March 12, 2004
August 08, 2016
February 12, 1988
December 08, 2003
March 04, 2008