A young, naive and enthusiastic theater director named Kai comes to a grim provincial town to put on Beckett's Waiting for Godot. Although the lethargic theater company shows no interest in the play, his spirit remains undaunted.Meanwhile, it is fall 1989. The world is changing and somewhere, far away in the capital, a revolution is taking place and it seems that wishes might come true. Great hopes emerge in the little town and unexpected events overtake Kai's mutating production.
Release Date: May 07, 1992
August 20, 1992
December 09, 1989
July 23, 1991
September 28, 2007
November 09, 2000
January 08, 2009
February 12, 2002
September 15, 2015
February 13, 1976
May 16, 1991
October 26, 2007
April 01, 1993
September 14, 1965
May 27, 1979
September 28, 2007
May 31, 1985
December 04, 1975
May 13, 1988
April 07, 1983
May 17, 1979