A gripping story of love, deceit, betrayal and survival set against the backdrop of the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. Michelle is married to Gary, a young miner who goes on strike as soon as the dispute between the Thatcher government and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) begins. Meanwhile, her sister Linda's husband Paul is a local policeman. Paul becomes more and more voluble in his opposition to the strike, while Linda looks around her and witnesses the women of her community suddenly find a voice and independence. The scene is set for political and personal conflicts which would change their lives forever.
Release Date: February 28, 2005
March 27, 1990
August 01, 1959
September 23, 1938
March 14, 1954
August 28, 1987
January 01, 1984
November 28, 2019
November 19, 1981
November 13, 2014
May 16, 2018
April 28, 1925
January 22, 1940
December 05, 1976
May 03, 1945
September 17, 1971
March 23, 1916
September 24, 1948
August 23, 1987
September 14, 2000
April 24, 1950