Four Lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point. As the wheels fly off, and their competing ideologies clash, what emerges is an emotionally engaging (and entirely plausible) farce.
Release Date: May 07, 2010
March 08, 1996
March 06, 1942
February 27, 1920
August 26, 1994
September 10, 1999
January 31, 2023
April 10, 2015
September 23, 2009
October 15, 1999
January 01, 2002
August 17, 1979
August 28, 1998
September 14, 1994
July 03, 1985
September 01, 2000
March 06, 1998
January 01, 1932
February 11, 1993
January 19, 2001
September 07, 2005