Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this expansive drama follows the many adventures of the eponymous hero, Anthony Adverse. Abandoned at a convent by his heartless nobleman father, Don Luis, Anthony is later mentored by his kind grandfather, John Bonnyfeather, and falls for the beautiful Angela Giuseppe. When circumstances separate Anthony and Angela and he embarks on a long journey, he must find his way back to her, no matter what the cost.
Release Date: August 26, 1936
October 29, 1963
October 25, 2004
September 19, 1984
June 25, 2006
May 24, 1995
April 10, 1955
March 23, 1940
September 02, 1999
April 28, 1998
March 08, 2013
May 04, 2000
January 26, 1994
October 26, 2005
July 16, 2004
May 19, 1979
March 19, 2004
June 09, 2017
December 07, 2013
December 23, 2005
December 18, 1985