The Odd Bendick Show is an animated satiric short revolving around Odd Bendick, a tiny man from the outskirts of northern Norway. Odd Bendick hosts his own talk show from his grandmother's TV station DYSFUNK. He is reckless, cynical and willing to sell his soul for the best ratings.
Release Date: November 16, 2002
January 01, 1985
March 06, 1987
February 01, 1964
November 04, 2007
January 01, 1943
January 01, 1970
October 01, 1974
April 26, 1940
November 16, 2016
July 25, 2000
May 14, 2024
April 17, 2004
July 16, 2017
June 01, 1968
January 03, 2002
January 01, 1981
March 23, 1951
January 01, 1997
January 20, 2000