A drama set during World War II where a submarine carrying a secret weapon attempts to stop a planned third atomic bombing of Japan. Based on Harutoshi Fukui's novel Shuusen no Lorelei.
Release Date: March 05, 2005
July 07, 1977
June 24, 1981
September 17, 1981
June 08, 1999
July 26, 2002
November 17, 1999
August 20, 2008
June 26, 1976
May 12, 1995
February 25, 2003
April 20, 2000
December 05, 1959
July 19, 2002
July 11, 2003
December 05, 2014
March 02, 1990
July 30, 1966
August 09, 1989
May 12, 1978
October 18, 1997