Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai business declines in popularity, Eric wants to spark new ideas by adding English lyrics into Chinese songs albeit to strong objection from his Shifu & friends. Undeterred, Eric Kwek sets on an unbelievable musical journey that sees him through mostly lows and finally hits a high when he is at the ripe old age of 50. The film aims to highlight that one must believe and persist in his aspirations regardless of age!
Release Date: December 03, 2015
August 13, 2022
October 13, 1989
February 19, 2004
August 26, 2005
August 28, 1998
June 21, 1977
July 27, 1984
June 20, 2008
August 10, 2004
March 21, 2024
December 25, 2008
November 10, 2000
September 06, 2002
May 11, 2014
November 22, 2005
June 25, 1948
June 01, 1990
October 03, 2018
October 18, 2013
February 08, 1929