The movie is set one year after the events of Mafia Family Yanagawa - Part 1, in which 8 Yanagawas faced off against 100 Devil Dragons in an epic bloody battle. Jiro Yanagawa (Takeuchi Riki) continues his feud with the Devil Dragons as he attempts to usurp their western territory.
Release Date: October 25, 2002
May 19, 2007
December 13, 2000
May 14, 1999
October 10, 2003
July 06, 2006
July 06, 2000
December 22, 2001
May 11, 2001
April 23, 1995
April 04, 2002
September 07, 2006
December 14, 1985
June 28, 1969
June 19, 1976
January 27, 2007
October 15, 2017
May 31, 1996
February 09, 1968
October 07, 1978
March 12, 1998