Combining colorized footage from the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955) with new scenes shot in Tombstone, Arizona, this film shows the return of the legendary former Marshal Wyatt Earp to his old stomping grounds. He visits old friends, teaches bad guys some manners and reveals secrets about his early life.
Release Date: July 01, 1994
April 19, 1973
March 24, 1950
July 21, 1976
June 24, 1994
December 18, 1970
October 17, 1946
April 23, 1953
December 01, 1955
May 07, 1960
June 23, 1950
July 19, 1972
March 18, 1959
April 08, 2017
May 30, 1957
October 17, 1955
October 29, 1975
April 07, 1955
July 01, 1958
April 24, 1935
September 26, 1968