A diabolical tale of romance, murder, and mistaken identity as a treacherous terrorist organization hunts an enemy agent with the intention of killing him, but instead they set their sights on the wrong man. Left in the wake of their mistaken pursuit is a trail of broken lives and brutal murders.
Release Date: June 01, 1976
September 23, 2005
February 22, 1993
October 27, 1980
September 08, 2005
December 13, 2002
December 23, 2005
June 07, 2002
September 22, 2006
January 18, 2008
March 04, 1918
November 14, 1997
December 23, 2020
July 24, 2014
March 07, 2003
January 23, 1998
December 21, 2001
January 01, 1954
January 14, 2009
April 04, 2000
April 28, 2006