To fulfill a friend’s dying wish, a young sailor Kenji takes on the task of delivering an heirloom to his friend’s daughter, Harumi, who has been adopted by another family. When he arrives, Kenji soon discovers that Harumi and her adopted family are the targets of an evil gang boss. In an attempt to help them, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
Release Date: July 30, 1957
March 22, 1946
May 18, 1993
October 29, 1963
January 15, 1943
February 04, 1930
October 29, 1989
August 05, 1964
November 22, 2002
December 21, 1988
February 28, 1954
March 22, 1968
October 11, 2002
October 11, 1972
June 27, 2005
July 01, 1928
August 28, 1998
December 20, 1988
July 10, 2016
September 22, 2020
January 01, 2020