Eccentric scientist Dr. Daniel and his shy assistant Max lead a quiet life on their space station, carrying out illegal research on androids, until they receive an unwelcome visit from three fugitives one of whom is female. Both Dr. Daniel and Max show an interest in her, but one of the other visitors has more sinister intentions.
Release Date: October 15, 1982
April 28, 2006
January 01, 2006
June 29, 2001
July 18, 1986
June 29, 1987
June 06, 1935
May 25, 1979
May 02, 1997
June 08, 1999
September 28, 1951
June 01, 1955
October 29, 2004
October 01, 2012
May 22, 1992
November 12, 1997
November 18, 1995
October 13, 2017
May 20, 2008
November 23, 1959
September 16, 2005