In this drama, a truck driver begins wooing a young woman who still lives with her father who constantly brags how he, not the town mayor, was responsible for catching a regiment of Germans during WW I. Unfortunately, no one in town takes him seriously. Later the daughter meets a German immigrant who confirms her father's claim. She then convinces her boy friend to use this information to blackmail the mayor into giving him a new truck and some extra amenities lest he tell the truth.
Release Date: December 16, 1942
January 01, 1973
December 31, 1974
March 21, 2019
May 15, 1974
June 24, 2021
February 12, 2013
October 22, 1985
September 27, 2023
November 13, 2003
January 19, 2024
May 26, 1978
September 15, 1942
March 18, 2011
October 02, 1942
February 13, 2013
June 09, 2013
January 30, 1942
September 27, 2013
October 30, 1989
July 14, 1958