A young Japanese-American orphan in California is taken in by a priest who is actually a Japanese secret agent and a samurai warrior. Due to the samurai's training, the boy murders his English teacher, kills the American parents who have adopted him, smuggles Japanese secret plans into the country, and eventually becomes the governor of California with plans to infiltrate Japanese spies into the state so they can take over.
Release Date: August 24, 1945
August 01, 1973
October 05, 2022
December 31, 2005
March 08, 1996
September 19, 1984
October 13, 1995
January 15, 1943
March 06, 1942
December 22, 2004
September 02, 1999
July 13, 1990
November 22, 1948
March 04, 1955
March 15, 2005
January 21, 1976
March 01, 1959
November 12, 2013
September 14, 1994
January 01, 1932
March 19, 2004