This short feature film begins with a suicide attempt by Cathy, and then follows by telling her story in flashbacks. Cathy is a neurotic young woman who retreats from cold British parents into an equally uncommunicative relationship with a former teacher who aspires to be a poet. Cathy's self-destructive behavior is presented as a legacy of her (British) family and past.
Release Date: October 01, 1979
December 31, 2001
June 21, 1960
December 15, 2004
October 12, 2002
September 01, 2011
November 01, 2019
December 25, 1991
March 16, 2006
September 22, 1995
August 11, 2017
March 25, 1988
January 20, 2005
May 03, 1996
September 24, 2005
October 26, 2006
May 23, 2007
June 23, 1972
April 21, 1993
May 20, 1996
September 21, 2006