The dramatic action film follows a soldier who ventures to America in search of his long lost brother, unaware that his brother may hold the key to a devastating weapon their father developed years ago and that a terrorist now wants to possess.
Release Date: September 25, 2009
June 22, 1954
September 12, 1990
September 09, 1993
April 21, 2023
November 28, 2013
October 20, 1995
September 20, 1996
February 27, 1997
August 26, 2016
October 05, 1989
December 10, 1991
July 12, 2002
May 13, 1993
January 01, 1995
February 10, 2004
July 14, 2017
August 16, 1999
February 10, 1985
February 09, 1990
November 20, 1998