Against the backdrop of the 1977 Edinburgh Film Festival, two low-budget filmmakers attempt to talk up some finance as they hunt for cash, cast and ‘name director’ Sam Fuller to shoot their Aberdeen-set oil-boom adventure ‘Gulf and Western’. Along the way, they encounter a plethora of filmmaking luminaries including Wim Wenders, Stephen Frears, John Boorman, Bill Forsyth and Alan Bennett.
Release Date: November 17, 1978
April 09, 2004
March 14, 1975
March 13, 1987
July 02, 1980
November 23, 2005
July 28, 1993
February 07, 2003
January 24, 2008
October 31, 2000
June 29, 2022
October 25, 1996
December 14, 2021
August 30, 2021
June 08, 1984
December 15, 2000
January 01, 2004
September 07, 2006
November 12, 1999
December 09, 1923
October 17, 2000