While serving as a journalist in World War 2 for the Imperial Army of Japan, "Takahashi Minoru" (Pak Ki Ju) sees first-hand the impact on Koreans who have had their national identity forcibly taken from them by the Japanese occupation of their country. It's at this time that he adopts a mantra of viewing an incident before writing a newspaper editorial on it. Several years later he once again visits Korea as a war correspondent during the Korean War and takes home with him several more memories that have a great effect upon him as well. Years later he becomes a respected writer and while giving a speech on the Juche system has his perspective challenged by a young man in the auditorium. Having never seen North Korea he realizes that in order to meet his own high standard of journalism he must travel there and see for himself whether his opinion is valid or not.
Release Date: January 01, 1987
November 14, 2019
July 07, 2011
August 01, 2007
February 13, 1999
September 05, 2013
February 13, 2014
October 23, 2019
June 20, 2007
September 12, 1981
August 04, 2005
February 08, 1941
November 14, 2013
July 29, 2005
November 06, 2013
October 02, 2019
September 09, 2000
February 05, 2004
October 10, 2008
May 02, 2003
January 22, 2014