Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.
Release Date: December 21, 1973
May 22, 2014
March 22, 2017
June 05, 1936
May 14, 1980
November 04, 1983
April 01, 1938
January 15, 1999
January 20, 2003
October 31, 1917
June 11, 2008
June 05, 1936
March 03, 1989
November 10, 1943
January 01, 1981
January 01, 2012
April 18, 1986
February 11, 1998
March 07, 2007
December 25, 2008
November 01, 2024