During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.
Release Date: June 19, 1990
October 20, 1998
September 21, 1984
November 08, 2018
August 14, 1998
October 16, 2015
December 12, 1941
March 20, 2006
February 25, 2005
January 26, 2007
May 29, 1997
November 21, 2014
December 11, 2000
July 10, 2004
May 13, 2004
February 23, 1985
November 20, 1987
January 01, 1987
January 01, 1986
February 24, 2006
September 19, 2009