Gamba, a town mouse with a brave spirit decides to go on an adventure to discover the ocean. On his way, he meets a troubled child mouse, Chuta. He says his family and other mice on a nearby island have been killed by a clan of weasels, led by the terrifying Noroi. Gamba promises to save the island, his family and the other mice. He and his friends team up to defeat the evil Noroi and his clan.
Release Date: October 10, 2015
November 21, 1991
December 18, 2008
June 21, 2007
January 11, 2011
December 17, 1999
May 25, 1990
July 02, 1986
October 19, 2022
June 17, 1982
November 16, 1990
June 22, 1977
February 22, 1950
July 19, 2002
October 06, 1999
November 16, 1990
December 08, 1974
August 23, 2000
January 25, 2023
December 22, 1998
June 17, 1988