In the wake of the tragic events at Waco, Texas where an armed conflict with armed militiamen broke out, agents of the federal government's Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) carry out a clandestine mission within another militia operation that is possibly involved in the sales of guns and the murder of an agent. Agent Robin O'Brien infiltrates the operation against her director's orders. When events start unraveling and an FBI agent threatens to take over the operation and start a military action, the ATF agents have to apply what they learned from Waco to save another blood bath.
Release Date: September 06, 1999
April 17, 2009
February 08, 1936
October 14, 1953
May 25, 2008
August 03, 1994
June 07, 1996
December 10, 2008
February 07, 1986
November 06, 1998
November 02, 2001
March 09, 1984
October 23, 1987
December 09, 2016
September 08, 1985
September 22, 2006
May 19, 2004
November 29, 1975
May 01, 2006
October 10, 2008
December 18, 1970