Inspector Cassin, a renowned Paris detective, departs to the country for a much-needed break. There he falls in love with the innkeeper’s daughter, Nanette, who is already betrothed to a local farmer. On the evening of their engagement party, Nanette and the farmer both disappear. Cassin takes up the case immediately to discover what happened to them and who is responsible.
Release Date: October 10, 1946
February 04, 2010
March 04, 2010
May 03, 1952
August 31, 1939
June 04, 1935
April 12, 1951
July 14, 1954
October 12, 1989
September 21, 1977
December 01, 1963
November 02, 2007
June 17, 1988
October 12, 1990
October 03, 2003
June 28, 2002
March 01, 2001
April 05, 1990
June 02, 2013
March 05, 2003
October 03, 2006