Raquel! was an April 26, 1970 CBS television special starring Raquel Welch, Tom Jones, Bob Hope and John Wayne executive produced, directed and choreographed by David Winters produced by Winters' company Winters-Rosen for CBS-TV, originally co-sponsored by Coca-Cola and Motorola. On the day of the premiere, the show received a 51% share on the National ARB Ratings and an impressive Overnight New York Nielsen Rating of 58% share.
Release Date: April 26, 1970
May 10, 2003
November 30, 1958
March 29, 2006
December 11, 1967
September 12, 1970
January 20, 1976
March 08, 1982
February 11, 1962
July 12, 1985
January 22, 1960
March 15, 1973
March 16, 1969
October 04, 2020
September 22, 1925
October 06, 1972
March 11, 1981
June 24, 1958
December 15, 1954
November 08, 2006
October 24, 1949