This powerful and thought provoking film chronicles the compelling events in the Pacific Theater of WWII, from the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the American occupation of Japan in 1945. It depicts the strength and courage of America's youth, while examining how these men and women dealt with being thrust into this brutal war. The film includes interviews with war veterans, both American and Japanese, from all branches of the military. It features testimony from medics, nurses, dog handlers, as well as Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned at internment camps in the United States. The film also includes a first hand account of the tragic impact of the atomic bomb on Japanese citizens. Among the veterans who appear is Zenji Abe, a Japanese veteran who flew the mission to bomb Pearl Harbor, and retired General Paul Tibbets who flew the mission to bomb Hiroshima.
Release Date: May 27, 2002
June 28, 1963
November 01, 1996
December 10, 2004
May 03, 1967
September 01, 2018
January 01, 1940
March 03, 1989
May 02, 2019
August 15, 2003
October 22, 2016
March 12, 1971
April 30, 1966
December 13, 2016
November 28, 2015
July 19, 2012
August 01, 2015
May 08, 2006
August 17, 1974
June 12, 1998
November 10, 2015