Set during the Balkan Wars, The Captive tells the story of Sonia, a young woman living in Montenegro and left to care for her younger brother Milos and the family farm when older brother Marko goes off to battle. Unable to handle the day-to-day tasks following her brother’s tragic death, help comes in the form of Mahmud Hassan, a captured Turk nobleman, now a prisoner of war. Tasked with helping Sonia, their initial frosty relationship soon melts into love. As the war rages on Sonia, Mahmud and Milos will face near-insurmountable obstacles in their quest for a better life amidst the hell of war.
Release Date: April 22, 1915
February 27, 1920
April 24, 1917
February 19, 1909
February 06, 1927
September 19, 2016
November 28, 1921
August 10, 1917
November 04, 1912
November 18, 1917
March 02, 1918
January 01, 1951
August 01, 2021
January 17, 1927
October 06, 1914
February 08, 1915
November 04, 1927
December 04, 1924
December 08, 1927
May 13, 1919
February 06, 1931