A horror / comedy that stars Hollywood B-Movie star Conrad Brooks ("Plan 9 from Outer Space") as Ricky, the perverted owner of an ice cream shop, decides to make his female employees ("The Scoopettes") dress sexy to lure customers. The "Scoopettes" are so hot the ice cream will never stay hard but everyone leaves with a smile and much much more! It becomes apparent that someone doesn't like Ricky's success when one of the Scoopettes is found murdered in the ice cream freezer. The killings of the girls continue one at a time. And the customers' are finding a little extra in their ice cream!
Release Date: January 01, 1997
October 28, 2005
May 25, 1972
April 14, 2023
November 19, 2022
January 01, 1971
October 05, 2020
April 11, 1996
December 25, 2022
June 05, 1999
January 04, 2002
July 08, 2016
February 23, 2000
April 10, 1998
August 01, 1986
August 23, 1997
May 13, 1988
July 28, 1989
August 13, 1993
July 19, 2005
February 11, 1988