Based on the book by Megan Shull, The Swap follows the adventures of a rhythmic gymnast named Ellie with a make-it-or-break-it competition, and the younger brother named Jack in a hockey family who's vying for a varsity spot on his school team. But when a simple text causes the two to swap bodies, their paths take an unexpected cross.
Release Date: October 07, 2016
December 12, 2008
December 11, 1944
April 25, 1979
September 26, 1961
June 24, 1963
March 01, 1964
June 29, 2006
December 22, 2000
November 18, 1966
June 13, 1962
May 18, 2001
October 03, 1999
June 21, 1988
July 22, 1982
March 19, 2016
September 10, 2014
March 17, 2023
October 20, 1995
October 24, 1997
June 11, 2004