A gang of criminals, composed entirely of young people, bases its unique fun on stealing from rich elders with the help of the charms of one of the members of the band, Pepi (Nadiuska). They are misunderstood young people looking for an assimilation of society.
Release Date: July 03, 1977
January 10, 2016
April 22, 1988
December 23, 1977
March 25, 1981
February 28, 1985
May 04, 1989
July 18, 1980
January 01, 1980
September 14, 1990
August 25, 2023
September 21, 2023
April 19, 1985
April 04, 2025
November 09, 1984
October 08, 1979
November 26, 2010
October 25, 1982
October 06, 1980
February 26, 1981
May 03, 1977