A transformative unconventional story blending coming-of-age cinema verite in a deep personal tale of weightloss struggles and love. Based on the true relationships of Chicago natives in the two years leading up to the historic world series win.
Release Date: December 15, 2017
May 20, 1987
May 29, 2004
June 12, 1997
January 28, 2000
July 02, 1986
October 21, 1983
October 24, 1993
August 31, 2005
July 22, 2008
January 16, 1996
October 27, 2004
November 16, 1990
October 25, 2004
June 25, 2006
June 06, 2003
March 30, 2005
March 05, 1999
July 02, 1980
December 30, 1998
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