In November of 1942, the French submarine, the "Casabianca,", escapes from German-held Toulon, and, upon joining the Free French forces at Algiers, is sent on a secret mission to Corsica to take two secret-service agents to make contact with the underground there. The agents contact the Marquis resistance forces, and learn they are ready to revolt but lack the needed arms and ammunition. The submarine is sent back to Corscia with the necessary weapons for the resistance-fighters, and also returns with trained troops to assist the resistance forces in attacking the Germans.
Release Date: May 17, 1951
September 17, 1981
April 20, 2000
December 05, 1959
July 19, 2002
December 05, 2014
October 18, 1997
July 24, 1964
August 28, 1928
November 25, 1938
June 06, 1985
July 24, 1981
December 14, 1979
December 24, 1950
January 16, 2015
March 27, 1958
January 01, 1985
May 28, 2000
January 01, 1998
January 27, 1971
October 14, 2022