Tarbosaurus: The Mightiest Ever is a South Korean adventure drama film directed by Han Sang-Ho. A spiritual prequel to The Dino King, sharing various themes with the movie and also being directed by Han Sang-Ho, this film follows the life of a Tarbosaurus family made up of Patch, (the father of Speckles from The Dino King), his two siblings and their mother in prehistoric South Korea.
Release Date: July 06, 2012
March 15, 1933
December 12, 2005
August 05, 1955
November 24, 1966
April 05, 1940
July 16, 1982
May 15, 2005
June 26, 2009
May 28, 1993
December 11, 1993
April 03, 1981
August 15, 1977
February 04, 1971
August 19, 2022
November 18, 1988
December 15, 1959
Invalid Date
May 19, 2000
April 05, 2022
July 06, 1977