In this ensemble drama set in rural France, the women of the Paridier farm are left to run it by themselves while their men are off fighting in World War I. But things become complicated with the arrival of American troops.
Release Date: December 06, 2017
October 01, 1985
March 23, 1940
September 08, 1993
January 26, 1994
April 29, 1930
April 06, 1934
November 16, 2017
April 05, 1978
March 12, 1998
March 31, 1999
May 28, 2008
March 11, 2009
December 23, 1994
May 14, 1982
April 01, 1962
September 03, 1992
May 11, 1984
January 01, 2017
January 25, 1963
January 12, 1983